20 workouts for arms and legs


1. Bicep curls with dumbbells
2. Hammer curls with dumbbells
3. Tricep dips on a bench
4. Tricep pushdowns on a cable machine
5. Close-grip push-ups
6. Overhead tricep extensions with dumbbells
7. Pull-ups
8. Chin-ups
9. Band curls with resistance bands
10. Diamond push-ups
11. Preacher curls with dumbbells or barbell
12. Barbell curls
13. Zottman curls
14. One-arm cable curls
15. Concentration curls with dumbbells
16. Seated dumbbell curls
17. Cable kickbacks
18. Standing dumbbell tricep extensions
19. Skull crushers with dumbbells or barbell
20. Kettlebell swings



1. Bulgarian split squats
2. Barbell squats
3. Alternating lunges with dumbbells
4. Leg press machine
5. Box jumps
6. Wall sits
7. Deadlifts with dumbbells or barbell
8. Leg curls on a machine
9. Leg extensions on a machine
10. Calf raises on a machine or with dumbbells
11. Sumo squats with dumbbells or kettlebell
12. Front squats with dumbbells or barbell
13. Goblet squats with kettlebell or dumbbell
14. Reverse lunges with dumbbells
15. Jump squats
16. Pistol squats (one-legged squats)
17. Seated leg curls with resistance bands
18. Stiff-legged deadlifts with dumbbells or barbell
19. Step-ups with dumbbells
20. Romanian deadlifts with barbell

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